All the information, everywhere!

LinkUp is the new web CRM of Protogramma Informatics

Connects to any program

The app can connect to any ERP or data source and display your data in a way that is easy to use and understandable

Access from everywhere

All you need to access the app is any device and an internet connection

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6 reasons to choose LinkUp


Connection to any program
Get insights from any ERP program or any other application you use


Autonomous operation
Not using an ERP? The application also works autonomously, with its own database


Ease of use
It is designed to be simple and understandable for users, without needing any special familiarity


Fast navigation
It is hosted on high-speed servers, making its use comfortable and pleasant


BI reports
Get updated immediately and easily with reports of all the indicators that interest you


Connect to Microsoft Power BI
Connect Microsoft Power BI and view reports & dashboards within the app


Give only the information you want, to those you want

Permissions per user

LinkUp gives you the ability to control which users will see the sections you want. For example, you can give access to orders and CRM actions only to the sales team, hide a salesperson's listings from others, or give customer and CRM access only to your support team. There is no limit to the scenarios you can create.


See the LinkUp modules

01. Initial quick information dashboard

01. CRM

02. CRM Statistics

03. CRM Prints

04. Types of Actions

05. Stages

01. Offers

02. Orders

03. VAT options

01. Customers

02. Works

03. Sellers

04. Accounting categories

05. Countries

06. Coins

07. Categories of customers

08. Customer VAT

09. Recommendations

10. Payment methods

01. Contracts

02. Expirations of Contracts

03. Type of Contract

01. Items

01. Vehicles

02. Routes

01. Support

02. Section

03. Service

01. Power BI

02. Dashboards

03. Prints


Simplify your processes, with the most complete CRM

Visit optimization

Help the sales team to quickly input each visit's information


Make the app yours by customizing every action you care about

Access from everywhere

Your sales team can have all the necessary information from any device

Comparative advantage

Get ahead of the competition by having an always informed & flexible sales team


Get reports and printouts from within the app and monitor the indicators that interest you

Organization and speed

Organize your team and increase their time visiting customers and not behind their desks


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See the benefits of LinkUp

Contact us to show you the benefits of using LinkUp
