ProtoProduction Updates

ProtoProduction Version

  1. Offers: Removal of joint covers and with a negative coefficient
  2. Offers: Fixing of channel rebates & motorized roller shutters and glass/panels in entrance with taffeta
  3. Orders: Removal of joint covers and with a negative factor
  4. Production: Number of labels equal to the number of product frames
  5. Orders: New free user fields
  6. Orders: Fix suggested handle color
  7. Production: New condition with calculated material name in production phases
  8. Production: Fix production end status update
  9. Printouts:
    • Production List (H-Alucom): Changed appearance and added screen
    • Production Boxes OLD (KOLLIAS): Show Engine Cover Lock
    • Compact Order (H-Alucom): Grouping for the divisible
    • Cuttings List (HALU): Add side Financial Offer (ARTI),Financial Offer with Discount (ARTI), Financial Offer with Discount (ARTI-MULTITRADE), Financial Offer (ARTI-MULTITRADE): Appearance Changes
    • New print: Customer Cassonetto Order (PRIVAL)
    • Rolling Shutter Offer (Metallo Roll): Fix to A/A roll
    • Customer Rolling Shutter Offer (Metallo Roll): Show add-ons to totals. Fix to A/A roll
    • Study of frames (Inches) (Kaptain): Calculation of Inches only
    • ECO-BAU: I took out the fax, put the payment method comments in Attention on the bid printouts and put the Project Type as Other Details