ProtoProduction Updates
  • Production: Add production number to tracking chart
  • Production machines: Cat500/Cat600 machine label changes. Change floor and position
  • MyMaterials: Material synchronization improvements
  • Printouts:
    • New Prints:
      • Workshop Document (KOLLIAS)
      • Performance Statement Label (XATZI)
      • Performance Statement (XATZI)
      • Welding Machine List (KECH)
    • Production Axel (KOLLIAS): New field Pressostat
    • Study of frames (Inches) (Kaptain):
      • Convert to dollar.
      • The page that has before the price analysis should be blank, white only and have Notes on the top left
      • On the last page with the totals just have the unpriced, undiscounted quantities plus the total square feet
    • Sotiropoulos: Change of accounts in the printing of offers
    • Cuttings List (HALU): Add material shape.