ProtoProduction Updates

ProtoProduction Version

  1. Offers: Hide glass not visible in sales from selection and bulk changes
  2. Offers: Show 2nd quantity of additives
  3. Link to ERP: Setting in the product to exclude shipping with the order
  4. Connect to ERP: Changes / improvements regarding order add-ons
  5. Printouts:
    • Rolling Shutter Offer (Metallo Roll): Appearance change
    • Financial Offer (Bowfen): Display fix
    • Order Label ALU (EPAL): Change to EPAL label
    • Financial Offer (Network) (SYNC): Display fix – was not printing in some cases
    • Order Costs (ARALCO): Disregard Discount 2 in totals
    • Financial Offer – Final Price (ARALCO): Changed appearance
    • Customer Order Dauwin: Correction to joint covers and infrastructure
    • New Print: Customer Rolling Shutter Offer (Metallo Roll)
    • Order (EVOM): To bring to the PN mechanisms.